AWS Solutions Architect Professional Exam Discount


Hi, Just wondering if there's a 50% discount code for the professional exam? Thanks.

asked a year ago1825 views
1 Answer

There is only one, which is available right now is 50% on the next exam by pearsonvue at here. No dicount on first exam.

There was one available for 50% off for professional certifications but that challenge was valid until Apr 28th at here.

You might already know this, if you'll pass the first exam, you'll get 50% off voucher code by AWS for your next exam.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you! Do you think there might be a discount for the Professional exam soon just like the Associate exam?

  • Not that I'm aware of. It doesn't use to be that frequent, that's what I can say at least.

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