CDK tag manager vs Cloudformation stack tags


Hi all

What's the difference between CDK tag manager & Cloudformation stack tags?

"I understand the technical differences, but i’m curious why cdk had to invent a new solution when cloudformation api already supported automatic tagging of all resources. it makes me think there are some pros and cons with both strategies that we should be aware of. otherwise, i’m not sure why the cdk tag manager feature even exists."

asked 5 years ago2.1K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

With CloudFormation, tags are applied at the Resource level. In other words, if you want to apply a tag on all the supported resources in your stack, you have to specify the tag's key and value each time for each resource as a property. This is quite repetitive and verbose, and also error-prone. Alternatively, you can supply a --tags command line argument or API argument to create-stack or CreateStack, but this is outside the template context and applies to all resources, which limits flexibility.

Imagine, too, that you need to add, modify, or remove a tag on each supported resource in a stack template. That's an O(n) operation on the template on every resource, and again is error-prone.

With CDK, on the other hand, tagging can be an automated recursive operation. By tagging a higher level construct, like a Stack, all of its children automatically inherit the tag. You can also apply the tag only to other constructs, which may consist of multiple resources. Modifications are simple; just add, remove, or modify the tag at that level. And CDK knows which resource types are taggable and which aren't, so you can avoid running into unsupported-tag errors. You can also exclude certain resource types from being tagged if you like.

answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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reviewed a year ago

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