Parameterized Query in AWS Athena - Date


SELECT * FROM tvseso_h WHERE DATE(tvseso_h.call_creation_date) BETWEEN ? AND ?;

the call_creation_date datatype in source table is in TIMESTAMP and when i created the view as tvseso_h for the same field declared datatype as DATE .

input date = 20240401 when i run this above query getting error as below TYPE_MISMATCH: line 3:41: Cannot check if date is BETWEEN integer and integer.

asked 4 months ago195 views
1 Answer


The issue seems to be format in which the value of the variable is getting passed. The query is expecting a DATE value and you seem be passing an integer value.

As mentioned in the below extract from [1] many users were able to get around the issue by using the CAST function.


If necessary, you can use the CAST function when you enter a value for a parameterized term. For example, if you have a column of the date type that you have parameterized in a query and you want to query for the date 2014-07-05, entering CAST('2014-07-05' AS DATE) for the parameter value will return the result.




Have a nice day!

answered 4 months ago

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