Hi I am JAYASRI YESTERDAY i have create a aws account but its not working ,i got mail upload id proof and I also upload I am student so i upload only my voter id,aadar card and college id.

After that my account is blocked i am unable to launch ec2 instance its show my account is blocked please help me to retrieve my account i am collage student. how to unblock my account ?

2 Answers

Since you've already uploaded your ID proofs (Voter ID, Aadhaar card, and College ID) and your account is still blocked, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check your email: Look for any emails from AWS regarding the block. They might have sent a specific reason for the block.
  2. AWS Support: Reach out to AWS Support directly. You can do this by:
    • Logging in to your AWS account (if you can still log in)
    • Clicking on the "Support" menu at the top right corner
    • Selecting "Create a case" and choosing "Account and billing support"
    • Explaining your situation and providing the requested information
  3. Verify your identity: Ensure that the name and details on your ID proofs match the information you provided during sign-up.
  4. Student status: As a student, you might be eligible for the AWS Educate program, which offers free credits and resources. However, this shouldn't affect your account status.
  5. Wait for response: AWS Support will review your case and respond with the next steps to unblock your account.

provide detailed information to AWS Support to help them resolve the issue quickly. Good luck, and I hope your account is unblocked soon!

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answered 14 days ago


Since there is a high possibility that the user cannot resolve the issue, please contact AWS Support by opening a case under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 14 days ago

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