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Schema 'coa' does not exist


I have a Trino on EMR setup, I need help on accessing Glue tables from the EMR. Athena can access those tables. Below is the error message after running trino cli show tables; command

dev-dsk-2a-f473413e % ./trino.jar --server localhost:8889 --catalog hive --schema coa --user root   
trino:coa> show tables;
Query 20241028_202354_00008_i8p8b failed: line 1:1: Schema 'coa' does not exist
asked a month ago21 views
1 Answer

Hello Jinqchen,

I understand that you are facing "schema does not exit" error when you try to access a database in glue metastore. Can you confirm what databases are visible when you connect when you don't specify any schema?

Additionally, can you also confirm if you enabled glue metastore for Trino as mentioned in the Document.

To summarize, you need to make sure the below configuration is added while creating the cluster.

    "Classification": "trino-connector-hive",
    "Properties": {
      "hive.metastore": "glue"

If the issue persists, i would recommend you to raise a case with AWS support to further assist you.

answered a month ago

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