Unable to delete AWS GameLift Fleet that is stuck in DOWNLOADING / INSTALLING state.


We've gone through the process of testing our builds using AWS GameLift Anywhere, and wanted to test uploading our builds. We're able to successfully upload builds and create fleets.

However, I modified our install.sh script, and there's a process in in that's hung. It's been over an hour, and our fleet is stuck in FLEET_CREATION_RUNNING_INSTALLER, and we cannot delete it, with the following error code: Amazon GameLift failed to update fleet- because: Cannot delete fleet fleet- that is in status of INSTALLING.**

Is there a way we can force delete this fleet?

asked 19 days ago24 views
1 Answer

After a few hours, the fleet finally was set to the Error state and I was able to delete it.

answered 19 days ago

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