Is It Possible to extend root volume of Lightsail Ubuntu Instance


Hello Team,

I want to extend root Volume of Ubuntu Lightsail Instance.

Is it possible ?

If yes what are the steps to be followed for the same.

asked a year ago441 views
2 Answers


The system disk of an instance cannot be extended directly on an existing instance. However, the root volume can be extended indirectly by taking an instance snapshot of your instance and creating an instance from that snapshot with a larger bundle size.

I've included documentation on instance snapshots below:

answered a year ago


It is possible to expand Lightsail's root volume.
You can increase the size of a disk by taking snapshots and creating larger disks from snapshots, as described in the following documentation.

Can I increase the size of my attached disk?

Yes, you can increase the size of a disk by taking a disk snapshot and then creating a new, larger disk from that snapshot.

Please check the following document for information on creating snapshots.

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answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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