AWS SES email not deliver using UUID


Hello, In our application, we are encountering an issue with AWS SES (Simple Email Service), which is the email delivery service we use, not AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service). The specific problem we are facing with AWS SES is as follows:

Scenario 1: Sending a mail with a UUID to user1 and user2

Mail content: Welcome to ****.work! Before login your account, you need to verify your new email for security purpose. just click the verify link below: Verify Email If the button above does not work, copy and paste this link into your browser https://app.*****.work/successmail/724ce3ec-2bc5-4bcd-9b9a-c5dca1eb0794
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email.

Thanks *****.work Team

In the mentioned mail content, we include a UUID while sending the mail.

Expected Outcome: The mail should be delivered to both user1 and user2. Actual Result: The mail is delivered to user1 but not to user2.

Scenario 2: Sending a mail without a UUID to user1 and user2

Mail content: Welcome to **.work! Before login your account, you need to verify your new email for security purpose. just click the verify link below: Verify Email If the button above does not work, copy and paste this link into your browser
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this email.

Thanks ****.work Team

In the mentioned mail content, we have removed the UUID and sent the mail.

Expected Outcome: The mail should be delivered to both user1 and user2. Actual Result: The mail is delivered to both user1 and user2.

Note: In AWS notifications for all mails, we are consistently receiving notifications of type "Delivery."

Issue: In our application, we have implemented a functionality where a mail containing a universally unique identifier (UUID) should be delivered to all users. However, we are currently experiencing a problem where this is not occurring as expected. We kindly seek your assistance in resolving this issue with the AWS SES service.

Thank you.

asked a year ago325 views
1 Answer


did you check that in scenario 1 for user2, you are not in a case of hard bounce, soft bounce or complaint as described in ?

It may well be that the mail server of user2 doesn't like the email content when it contains this uuid and complains about it without delivering it to user2

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • We are not received bounce or complaint notification....As mentioned for all mails we received notification type as "Delivery" .....and user1 and user2 both are using same mail server...

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