S3 huge bucket Deletion


What is the easiest and most efficient approach to delete a large S3 bucket containing a substantial number of objects? I have a bucket with thousands of objects, and I'm looking for a method that allows for quick and streamlined deletion .Any recommendations or best practices for efficiently handling bulk deletion of S3 objects would be greatly appreciated.I am using aws cli with parallel option is there any other option. I am deleting the account and want to clean all buckets.

asked a year ago494 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


How about emptying the S3 bucket in the following document procedure?

Another method is to set S3 lifecycle rules.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • If you close your account completely, the S3 charges should disappear. Your AWS resources will be deleted after your account is closed. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/accounts/latest/reference/manage-acct-closing.html

    You don't need to delete resources before closing your account. However, if you reopen your account within 90 days post-closure (60 days for accounts suspended by AWS), you might be charged for the cost of running AWS resources that you didn’t delete. If you think you will reopen your account within the post closure period, we recommend that you delete all resources before closing it. Note, that you cannot reopen your account after 90 days (60 days for accounts suspended by AWS) and all resources will be deleted.

  • ThankYou.If objects are in Millions we need to configure Lifecycle. When S3 bucket has millions of objects,AWS suggest to use S3 lifecycle rules to empty the S3 bucket. AWS console and CLI timeout happens as they are not designed for large scale deletion. ref - > https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/s3-empty-bucket-lifecycle-rule


ThankYou, i tried methods mentioned in that link it worked wekk for all buckets but its taking too much time for few large buckets.We are removing this account so want to delete. Please advise if its ok to leave them and these will be erased after account termination.Will there be any charges?

answered a year ago


You have all details and code to empty a bucket in this post: https://towardsthecloud.com/aws-cli-empty-s3-bucket

It also handles the case where you use object versioning.



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answered a year ago

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