AWS Pricing Tool


Hi guys! I'm looking for a tool to estimate AWS price. Currently, I use AWS Pricing Calculator, but I feel this seem to be stupid. I can't save my estimate when a problem with my laptop, my estimate will be lost. Moreover, when I export the estimate to csv file, the detail configuration sometimes makes me confuse with lots of information, but it doesn't contain what I need, and I have to reformat them. Therefore, I want to find another tool to estimate AWS price instead of using AWS Pricing Calculator. If you know any tool, please recommend to me. Thanks!

asked 2 years ago567 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Maybe it will be informative if you can explain what problem stopping you from saving estimate. Pricing tool saves estimate by clicking the Share button which will generate a unique link to your estimation. There are a lot of information there to give the most accurate context about your estimation. If you can share what information exactly you need, it will be helpful to point you to the right info/tools.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
  • I expect a "Save" button so I can save my estimate anytime when I calculate my BoM by my AWS account. If you used to use DELL, CISCO, HPE estimate tool then you will know the idea.


In Japan, volunteers have created and released the following sites. [1]

[1] Roughly AWS - Roughly AWS charges in Japanese Yen

The above is Japanese and can only be calculated in Japanese Yen, but if you do machine translation or currency conversion, you can use it as a reference.

I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.

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answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks, but I'm looking for tool that displays in English :)

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