Cognito, Custom Domain and Cloudfront


So I want to have a Cognito App Client configured with my own domain, this I can do and it seems to create an alias target in cloudfront for me to put in my DNS.

My question is where is this cloudfront configuration? I can't see it under my account cloudfront distributions.....? so where is it setup?

The issue really arises when I apply my cloud formation for a second time, after a successful cleanup from the first deployment my second deployment fails as my domain name is already in use by the cloud front distribution. I just can't see where. If I use the console to recreate the domain configuration it works just fine.

Any tips? insights?


1 Answer
Accepted Answer

CF distribution is in Cognito service managed account (it is not created in customer's account).

What error do you get from cloudformation? if you can do it from the console, you should be able to do it from cloudformation, might be just taking time to cleanup and reflect that the domain has been freed up? keep in mind that usually creating custom domain is not a repetitive process, it is a one time setup

answered 4 years ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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