Connect Lightsail to DNS Zone


Hello Everyone,

I am using Lightsail WP for one of my sites and I've created a DNS zone. I am using the Lightsail load balancer service too. Mt domain is in Godaddy. My website keeps going down because the load balancer is changing the IP address from time to time and Godaddy A record does not allow to add LB URL as an A record. I am following below AWS guideline where I understand the step one but I have not used Route 53 anywhere. Do we need to use Route 53 compulsory or the first part "Add an A record in Lightsail" will be enough to map the domain and move DNS to AWS?

I am trying to move DNS to AWS so that I can add Load balancer URL as an A record. Currently I need to ping the Lightsail LB URL and whatever IP I get, I am adding it as a A record in Godaddy.

asked 2 years ago496 views
1 Answer


I understand that your application is configured with Load balancer IP address instead of the DNS [CNAME Record], It is not required to move the domain to R53 it is your choice if you would like to move and manage centrally

**How to configure the AWS Load Loadbalancer with Godaddy **

  • Go to the DNS Manager Help link
  • Create Record CNAME --> which is the DNS of the load balancer.

Static IP with AWS Global AWS Global Accelerator:

  • You can create a Global Acc for your load balancer so you will get the STATIC IP for your ALB. charges applicable
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answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks @GK for the response. I will give it a try.

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