MAIL FROM record is not aligned.



How can I solve this issue?

Is there something missing in my DNS records?

I don't have custom domain.

My need is very simple, just send email through a react/javascript application hosted on Vercel.

I want all the settings to prevent my sent email from being categorized as spam.


asked 3 months ago127 views
1 Answer

I am confused that you ask:

Is there something missing in my DNS records?

But then say:

I don't have custom domain.

Do you have a domain or not?

For sending emails, I would recommend Simple Email Service (SES). You can make API call from JS to the SES service to send your emails. Here is a link to how SES works.

Be aware, if what you are sending is spam or is reported by the recipients as spam, it will catch up with you (see the feedback loop in the above link).

Hope this helps!

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

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