TGW route table configuration with DXGW attachment queries


I have a question - We have a Transit Gateway (TGW) route table configuration with Default route propagation turned off. We are utilizing Direct Connect via a Transit Virtual Interface (VIF) and have attached the TGW to the Direct Connect Gateway (DXGW). My inquiry pertains to the possibility of having multiple route tables for the spoke VPCs that we intend to share Direct Connect with. Currently, we have an existing route table with a DXGW attachment association for one of our account's VPCs. However, when I attempt to create a new TGW route table for a different account's VPCs, I encounter issues attaching the DXGW attachment to that route table. Here are my questions:

  1. Is this behavior expected? Do I need to maintain only one route table for all the VPCs I am trying to share Direct Connect with?
  2. How can I maintain separate TGW route tables for each account I wish to share Direct Connect with?"
Ali Md
asked a year ago501 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can configure multiple TGW route tables for the scenario you describe. Recommend going through the below reference architecture.

See the pattern "Hybrid connectivity to AWS Transit Gateway with AWS Direct Connect" as an example.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Can i use the same single DXGW attachment on my multiple TGW route tables ?

  • See this statement from the documentation: "You can associate a transit gateway attachment with a single route table. Each route table can be associated with zero to many attachments and can forward packets to other attachments." So to answer your question you can not associate single DXGW attachment to multiple TGW route tables. it shouldn't be required also, if you follow the pattern shown in the ref arch you should be able to use single DX/DXGW to connect to multiple VPCs in multiple account via the same TGW.

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