Free-Tier account de-activate and re-activate


Hi Builders,

Can I de-activate my free-tier account in case I won't be able to continue learning and then re-active and I can enjoy the rest of my 1 year of free tier account ?

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asked 8 months ago486 views
1 Answer

Hi there

There is NO option to pause a free-tier account. You need to create a new account later by using different email address and payment method to get fresh 12 month free-tier access.

Please make sure you clean up your account , before you intend to take a pause , so that you do not unnecessarily incur any charges. For safety, you can delete your current account.

In case you didn't close your current account and you start using same account later, you will be able to use your remaining free-tier period.

Hope you find this info useful

answered 8 months ago

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