Connectivity issues in me-central-1


We are facing issues in aws eks on ec2, our services are communicating using internal dns but facing intermittent connectivity issues affecting services. Any idea if we have an issue in AWS today or any idea how to troubleshoot this issue or someone faced similiar issue

asked 17 days ago26 views
1 Answer

To address intermittent connectivity issues in your EKS cluster on EC2 in the me-central-1 region:

  1. Check the AWS Service Health Dashboard for any ongoing issues.
  2. Review EKS and EC2 logs for errors or warnings.
  3. Verify network configurations, including VPC, security groups, NACLs, and DNS settings.
  4. Use CloudWatch and VPC Flow Logs to monitor network traffic and identify problems.
  5. Perform connectivity tests using tools like ping, curl, and traceroute.
  6. Ensure proper scaling and load balancing for your services.
profile pictureAWS
answered 17 days ago

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