Fargate Emphemeral Technology



I have been reading about adding extra ephemeral storage to your Fargate tasks:


My question is: is this actually ephemeral storage as you will find on your EC2 instances - that is backed by a local SSD, just like the instance store? Or is it backed by some other technology (e.g. EBS)?

The reason I'm trying to find out is that we have a very IO heavy process that we want to run on Fargate - but we found out EFS is not fast enough, so we are considering alternatives.



Edited by: RBakkerSping on Aug 25, 2021 8:52 AM

Edited by: RBakkerSping on Aug 25, 2021 9:22 AM

asked 3 years ago936 views
4 Answers

Using EFS is a separate feature (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/efs-volumes.html). Ephemeral storage for Fargate is not implemented using EFS (although please note that the EFS team has released substantial performance enhancements in the last few months). That said, the recommendation is for you to test with your workload to validate that you get the level of performance you need, it's hard to provide generic advice.


profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

Hi Matz,

Thanks for the answer; I'm aware that EFS is different from Ephemeral storage.

Can you confirm that Fargate ephemeral storage is backed by a local SSD, just like the instance store of EC2?



answered 3 years ago

Exactly what Fargate uses to provide extensible ephemeral storage is an implementation detail that may change over time. Customers should not take a dependency on how it's implemented. The feature is there, we continuously work to make it better in a variety of dimensions (capabilities, performance, etc.), and as a result of that the implementation may change under the covers.


profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

Hi Matt,

By some tests we did find out that the current implementation is apparently using local ssd disks, but it's good know that we should not rely on that; next step will be to use ECS/EC2 with bind mounts to ephemeral storage from the EC2 instance.



Edited by: RBakkerSping on Aug 26, 2021 12:04 PM

answered 3 years ago

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