Open a second SES production access request



I requested time ago SES production access for one of my accounts but I hadn't time to follow the request and now the case has been closed.

I can't open another request because in the console there's no button to request production access anymore.

Enter image description here

And I can't re-open the same case.

How can I request SES production access again?

Thank you

1 Answer

If you contact them again through their support case, I am sure they will open a case for you?

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answered a year ago
  • Hi Riku,

    thank you for your answer.

    I believe so too but my problem is that I don't know how to open another case. As I said, I don't have the button in the SES dashboard anymore. I wanted to open a case with the technical support but I don't have a technical support plan to do that.

    Actually I didn't try to open a case with the account support yet, should I try?

    Update: Just tried, account and billing team can't help. So my problem is that I don't have any method to contact the technical support. Maybe more chances if we pay the Developer support plan but for that I have to ask the authorization so for now I am stuck with my work.

  • This issue should lead to an account-related problem, so if you open a case with "Account and billing", it should answer the question itself. Also, the image you shared with us has a case ID on it, can you open the corresponding case from there?

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