How do I verify my Federated Account?


I have a root account and a federated account (using AWS organisations) I cannot use CloudShell or created EC2 instances with either account because I get the error: An error occurred (Blocked) when calling the RunInstances operation: This account is currently blocked and not recognized as a valid account.

How do I verify my account?

asked 5 months ago143 views
2 Answers

Thanks I've created Case ID 171644533800911 - I'll update here if I get an answer.

answered 5 months ago


I've seen this error occur when AWS imposes some kind of restriction on AWS account.
Therefore, I recommend that you contact AWS Support by opening a case under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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