Route 53 Health Checks works once and then switches to Failed immediately



I am trying to implement a health check for a custom application.
The first request that the health check performs will be considered "OK", but every request after that will say "Failed".
I do not really have an explanation, why the health check behaves that way.
The Service is online and i can also get valid 200 return codes via curl without any problems.

Any ideas what might be happening here?
Is there any way to do some additional troubleshooting?

asked 4 years ago690 views
4 Answers


The topic "How Amazon Route 53 determines whether a health check is healthy" in the Route 53 Developer Guide says:

"Route 53 considers a new health check to be healthy until there's enough data to determine the actual status, healthy or unhealthy."

If you post your domain name, I'll take a look at your DNS configuration.


answered 4 years ago

The Health Check is supposed to check if a service that runs under port 3272 responds to HTTP requests.

The port 3272 is open to the public and I can curl it from my external computer, but the route 53 health check fails:

curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 300
Content-Type: Json
Server: CockpitMain Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 15:41:16 GMT

Edited by: hyperdanny on Apr 15, 2020 8:35 AM

answered 4 years ago

I have done more testing and I think my application can not keep up with the timeout time of 2 secs.
My application needs at least 5 seconds.

Is there a way to get this changed?

answered 4 years ago


Can you change to TCP health checks? For HTTP and HTTPS health checks, Route 53 must establish a connection within four seconds. For TCP health checks, it's 10 seconds. For details, see "How Route 53 determines the status of health checks that monitor an endpoint":


answered 4 years ago

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