How to cancel Amazon Chime Voice Connector


I cancelled Amazon Chime but still got billed monthly for Amazon Chime Voice Connector. I verified that in Amazon Chime SDK there is no connector listed. Can anybody guide me to get it fixed or contact Amazon directly?

asked 2 months ago162 views
2 Answers

Without calling activity, there would be no charge just for having a Voice Connector.

However, there is a monthly charge for provisioned phone numbers. You might want to check for those in the console:

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

Ensure that all related services and configurations are aligned with your current needs. Sometimes, services like Amazon Chime Voice Connector can be linked to other AWS services or configurations. Make sure there are no other services or configurations related to Amazon Chime Voice Connector or Amazon Chime SDK that might be incurring charges.

If you’ve verified that there are no active Voice Connectors and you’re still being billed, or if you have any difficulty in resolving the issue, you should contact AWS Support for assistance.

Open a Support Ticket: Go to the AWS Support Center. Sign in with your AWS account credentials. Click on Create case. Choose Billing as the issue type. Provide details about the billing issue and request help in resolving it.

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answered 2 months ago

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