core web api Lambda Triggered by SQS


For .net core console lambda function, there is a way to trigger it when message sent. but is there any ways to trigger core web api (for lambda function) when aws sqs send to a message to channel

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

SQS Messages are processed can be used in one of 2 ways.

  • A running process that is Polling the Queue for messages
  • A Lambda that is triggered when there are messages to process.

If you want to all an API call when a message arrives. You likely need a small lambda that will call the Web API directly converting the SQS message in the queue to the format you need for the API call.

There is an awesome free course provided by AWS on .NET Lambdas that really covers all the details. It's the one with Lambda's on this page:

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks! you solved my confused!

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