Authorization header (what about in form parameter?)


We currently support Authorization being passed in the header.

But we have one customer saying that they cannot pass header parameter and can only pass form parameter.

How can we enforce Auth if authorization is coming from form parameters?

Note: we are using Hydra as OAuth2 server

asked 6 years ago373 views
3 Answers


Unfortunately there is currently no native authorization in API Gateway that supports access to the payload (where form parameters would be present). You would have to pass this information to your integration and authorize the request in your integration.


answered 6 years ago

when you say Integration... you mean like in a Lambda Integration

Correct. Apologies for the inconvenience.


answered 6 years ago

when you say Integration... you mean like in a Lambda Integration. I will be checking the client credentials against hydra in one of the Lambda itself

that is exactly what I am thinking. But having doubts if it beats the best practices
unfortunately, we need to support the customer's needs

answered 6 years ago

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