Is it possible to send a DLQ when an S3 Upload fails ?


If a file upload to S3 fails for any reason, is there any way to send a failure message to DLQ ? As far as I know, it should not be possible, as file upload is happening outside of AWS. So, AWS does not have control over what happens, until the networking happens within AWS.

But, still, I want to know if I am wrong, and if it is possible to send a failure message to DLQ for File upload failures

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Correct, AB

You will just see the associated failure on the file upload itself.


upload failed: local\path\to\file to s3://bucket/remotepath Could not connect to the endpoint URL:

There are a few things you could try with aws cli config, to try and get around upload issues relating to concurrent requests & low bandwidth (by editing ~/aws/.config):

  • max_concurrent_requests - set this to a less ambitious number than the default 10 (maybe 5)
  • max_bandwidth - reduce this to a number slightly less than the upload speed aws s3 reports when using defaults (for example, if it's 1.2MB/s, try setting the value to 1MB/s)

S3 Multi-part Upload can also be leveraged, using AWS CLI.

If this helps confirm what you were thinking, please choose this as the Accepted Answer so others on re:Post may benefit - Thank you

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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