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Doubt in auto scaling group created via eks terraform module


I have created an EKS cluster using the official AWS EKS Terraform registry module. However, when I try to deploy an application(2), it shows an error stating that no nodes are available. In the scaling configuration, I have set: already i have deployed one application. min_size = 1 max_size = 6 desired_size = 4 instance_types = ["t3.micro"] capacity_type = "SPOT"
Why is the auto-scaling not working? I can see that the auto-scaling group is created in the console

1 Answer

Ensure your EKS cluster's auto-scaling is set correctly. Verify that your Cluster Autoscaler is properly configured and your pod ResourceRequests and ResourceLimits are set to avoid resource contention. Also, ensure that your EC2 Auto Scaling Groups are configured to span multiple Availability Zones for better resilience and resource utilization. Make sure you're not hitting any Spot Instance capacity limits if using Spot Instances, and diversify your instance types to increase your chances of scaling successfully.

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • Adding on to the last part of this: Go to the ASG and look at its Activity History. Are there launch failures due to spot capacity? Spot best practices are to use at least a dozen different instance types and as many AZs as possible to reduce the chances of capacity related failures. Remember though that CAS in K8s requires all instance types to have the same amount of vCPUs, RAM, etc. So you might not be able to get a full dozen+ instance types, but you could at least add t3a.micro and t2.micro

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