DNS conflict in Lightsail vs route53


I subscripted a domain in route 53 and my lightsail hosting asks me to do this, " To make Lightsail the DNS service for a domain, you configure the domain registration to use these name servers ... ." But the name servers Lightsail specified could not be edited and it is different from the name servers route53 specified. If I follow Lightsail name server, the gmail using the domain name stops working ?! If I adopt route53 name servers everything is fine. Isn't I should just ignore the lightsail instructions?

1 Answer


If you registered the domain with Route53, and want to host DNS zones with Lightsail, then you'd need to replace the Route53 name servers to be Lightsail's ones.

Here's a document explaining the steps: https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/lightsail-how-to-create-dns-entry. Check step2 and step4 especially.

Also, just to mention, Lightsail now provides Domain registration service as well, give it a try if you are interested :-)

answered 2 years ago

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