AWS Client VPN Please add support for Login / Logout scripts like OpenVPN has


I'm using AWS Client VPN 2.0 wrapper for MFA support. I used to use OpenVPN client which had support for Login Scripts. Can we have both Login Script support and MFA support? I'm using ADFS as the SAML provider.

asked 3 years ago430 views
1 Answer

Hello, I would like to know the use-case here. MFA is already supported. However, what is exactly needed with respect to login scripts. What is the script that is being used on the OpenVPN client & the steps for those. The information would be crucial for an FR to be raised. I would also recommend for a quicker turn-around to reach out to the AWS Premium Support Client VPN team with both the use-case & the Feature present in the Open VPN client.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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