I get the error "InvalidStreamKey: invalid stream key"

  1. Created a channel in Amazon IVS. Enter image description here

  2. After accessing the sample Code Pen and copying and pasting the Ingest Endpoint and Stream Key from the channel's dashboard, I clicked the START BROADCAST button. Enter image description here

  3. I get the error "InvalidStreamKey: invalid stream key" Enter image description here

How can I resolve this issue?

1 Answer

Hi there,

The InvalidStreamKey issue you’re seeing is likely due to the incorrect stream key being provided.

Going forward, I’d recommend:

  • Ensuring that you’re copying / pasting the exact ingest endpoint and stream key
  • Ensuring that any extra characters/formatting are not being unintentionally applied
  • Ensuring the stream key is valid (and has not been regenerated for the channel)

If you’re still seeing similar errors after completing the above, I’d recommend reaching out to AWS Support for further guidance - https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/.

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answered 2 years ago
  • I have checked them all. Still I get this error.

  • Hi there, sorry to hear that you're still seeing this issue. Due to the nature of this issue, we would need to evaluate our internal logging to determine the root cause of this issue. To do so, we require information which is not suitable to be shared in a public forum. Please reach out to AWS Support, as we'd be happy to dive deeper into this issue. Thank you!

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