SSL certificate not valid on EC2


I'm trying to configure SSL for my domain by the instruction given by this article ref: . Now after doing these steps it always showing "Site's security certificate is not trusted." How can I solve this by making the certificate trusted for all user accessing the website.

  • I also followed instructions to add SSL using s self signed certificate. Then I used ACM to create a trusted Certificate and created an Elastic Load Balancer. Unfortunately, the self-signed certificate is still on the EC2 server and the browser is seeing it. How do I REMOVE the self signed certificate created in the instructions here: Thanks for your help.

asked 7 years ago1.4K views
2 Answers

You have a valid SSL certificate. However, because it is a self signed certificate (created by yourself and not by Certificate Authority) browsers don't trust it.

You have two free options:

  1. Create an Elastic Load Balancer and add a Certificate created by AWS Certificate Manager (please refer to
  2. Use a free certificate from a CA like Let's Encrypt. It is very straightforward to set up. (please refer to

Hope that helps.

Edited by: gonzie on Feb 6, 2018 10:59 AM

answered 7 years ago

Let's Encrypt led me to the right answer thanks.

Since LightSail uses Bitnami, here is what I needed to use:

From the Console, just type: sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool And then follow the prompts.


answered 8 months ago

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