Support Ticket page when requesting limit increase is freezing


I am trying to exit the sandbox mode for SMS channel on SNS service. Im following the link to the support ticket page but it's been for a couple of days that I cannot access it. The page freezes and chrome is showing, wait for the page to load or kill it. The page never loads.

Reference pic:

The page never loads btw, sometimes even the UI is broken and partly loaded.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Im using the latest chrome on macos

asked a year ago267 views
1 Answer

Have you tried going directly to the Support console, hitting "Create Case" then then the "Looking for service limit increases?" link? That's working fine for me at the moment (Chrome on Windows).

answered a year ago
  • yes, I have tried it, and it's still the same thing. I also have tried to debug it via inspect element on console and network tab but it freezes the page and I cannot open it, I thought maybe that can provide some more details

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