Custom Distributor Packages "failed to download installation package"


Hi all,

I have been playing with SSM Distributor packages in the hopes of managing various agents across the fleet. I have been able to build / compile a couple of different packages successfully.

Unfortunately when I attempt to deploy them to instances, as per the doco, ie;

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage" --instance-ids "i-abcdefghijk" --parameters '{"action":["Install"],"installationType":["Uninstall and reinstall"],"name":["CustomPackage"]}'

I am receiving the following error;

aws ssm get-command-invocation --command-id 1234567-8910-1112-1314-abcdefghi --instance-id i-abcdefghijk
    "CommandId": "1234567-8910-1112-1314-abcdefghi",
    "InstanceId": "i-abcdefghijk",
    "Comment": "",
    "DocumentName": "AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage",
    "DocumentVersion": "",
    "PluginName": "configurePackage",
    "ResponseCode": 1,
    "ExecutionStartDateTime": "2020-04-01T04:33:03.700Z",
    "ExecutionElapsedTime": "PT1.75S",
    "ExecutionEndDateTime": "2020-04-01T04:33:04.700Z",
    "Status": "Failed",
    "StatusDetails": "Failed",
    "StandardOutputContent": "",
    "StandardOutputUrl": "",
    "StandardErrorContent": "failed to download installation package reliably, , Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\"\nfailed to download installation package reliably, , Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\"\nfailed to download installation package reliably, , Get : unsupported protocol scheme \"\"\n",
    "StandardErrorUrl": "",
    "CloudWatchOutputConfig": {
        "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "",
        "CloudWatchOutputEnabled": false

The error occurs on all custom packages for both windows and linux instances. Packages published by AWS still continue to deploy successfully.

Has anyone written any packages and run into similar errors?

RESOLVED - For anyone interested, even though the documentation says otherwise, if you refer to your custom package by its arn rather than the short name you will no longer have the issue. ie,

aws ssm send-command --document-name "AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage" --instance-ids "i-abcdefghijk" --parameters '{"action":["Install"],"installationType":["Uninstall and reinstall"],"name":["arn:aws:ssm:ap-southeast-2:123456789101:document/CustomPackage"]}'

Edited by: beefsupreme on Apr 1, 2020 3:55 PM

asked 4 years ago1227 views
1 Answer

Hi @beefsupreme,

Thank you for your interest in AWS Systems Manager. We have been able to fix the issue that you have seen when executing Distributor package with short custom name. With this fix, you will be able to install or uninstall your Distributor package using short name or arn with no issues. Please feel free to try again.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused to you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time.


answered 4 years ago

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