What is the preferred way for deploying a NextJS application in AWS


What is the preferred way to deploy a NextJS application in AWS?

While researching I could see multiple managed services

Cloud Front , AWS Amplify, Elastic Beanstalk

So kindly provide the best choice to deploy the app.


1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I d recommend Amplify given me the was a recent addition: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amplify/latest/userguide/deploy-nextjs-app.html and typically will leverage, under the hood, cloudfront,s3 and lambdas

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago
  • As said above, it depends on your case. If you need an easy-to-go solution - Amplify is your choice. If you already have a big infrastructure deployed by Terraform, for example, you can use CloudFront, S3 and Lambdas without Amplify.

  • Thanks for sharing the details

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