The runtime parameter of nodejs14.x is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions.


当我在日志通中创建管道时,CloudFormation 报了一个错误[CREATE_FAILED Resource handler returned message: "The runtime parameter of nodejs14.x is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs20.x) while creating or updating functions. (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 400, Request ID: 3a249a68-cde6-4f62-bc5a-2afbe270b1f7)" (RequestToken: 36f49218-ed23-d6c3-0397-007c3ed9e165, HandlerErrorCode: InvalidRequest)] CloudFormation

然后我尝试更新了Lambda functions. functions for loghub

再一次创建时依然是失败的 我不确定Centralized Logging with OpenSearch 使用的是什么函数?

最后我尝试更新了CloudFormation 模板.但依然创建管道失败. 在此处输入图片描述

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Support for nodejs14.x was removed several months ago, specifically new function creation was blocked on January 9th, 2024 and existing function updates were blocked on February 8th, 2024. You can find info about deprecated runtimes here.

To resolve your problem, please use newer runtime version like nodejs16.x or higher. You can find the list of supported runtimes here.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

I had a similar situation, in my case we where using a cdk script which wasn't used in almost a year. It was made with cdk 2.59 and the package.json had such version in the devDependencies and dependencies for both aws-cdk and aws-cdk-lib.

Changing the version in the package.json file and installing the dependencies again with npm install -g , then cdk synth, cdk deploy worked for me.

answered 4 months ago

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