Cost of individual databases


I have three databases using MySQL. I have no idea how much each of these cost, and I assume the one with the greatest amount of traffic with significantly more data costs more. Can you tell me how I can see the breakdown for each database?

asked 3 months ago194 views
3 Answers

Are these RDS databases?

Have you looked at the billing detail on your account in the Billing and Cost Management section of the AWS Console?

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

Use Cost explorer: You can change the dimension to "Resource" and the service to "RDS" for example.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

Yes, I saw that in Cost Explorer and drilling down by Report Parameters. But I cannot see each of my 4 databases. One has significantly higher traffic than the other three as well as far more data -- 70 GB versus 100MB, but there is no breakdown by price.

answered 3 months ago

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