Cognito authenticateUser() very slow on lambda


i'm developing a web app with Api Gateway, Lambda and Cognito (all in the same region).
My users can login in the app through the Api Gateway, that execute a nodejs lambda function.
The lambda make calls to Cognito User Pool and Cognito Identity and return the tokens.
The problem is the authenticateUser() function of Cognito user pool.
It takes about 10-12 seconds to execute in the lambda function, but i have tested also in local and it takes only 2-3 seconds.

Why is this so slow?? I'm missing something?
It's better to integrate directly the cognito sdk in the browser?

Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by: toto on Jun 20, 2017 4:14 AM

asked 7 years ago3658 views
8 Answers

After switching from cognitoUser.authenticateUser() to cognitoIdentityServiceProvider.adminInitiateAuth() execution time is reduced to 300-500 ms(using ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH).

answered 6 years ago

There could be multiple reasons why this happens. Some are configuration related similar to the issue below:

answered 7 years ago

Hi toto

Did you get a solution to this issue?

We are also using API Gateway, Lambda/Node, Cognito (same region) and amazon-cognito-identity-js-node to call cognitoUser.authenticateUser passing the AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.AuthenticationDetails with the username and password.

It's taking a crazy 5/6 seconds to complete the authentication which is unacceptable and not what we used to experience. It is much faster when we use the in-browser Javascript SDK.

I'm concerned that by using the Javascript SDK we will expose our AWS credentials - so have opted to move this code to Node.

I'd expect the documentation and support for Cognito on Lamda / Node to be first class, it's so poor with few examples.

Any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated.


answered 7 years ago

I my case, it takes about 4-5 seconds to complete getUser (accessToken) cognito procedure.
My user pool and lambda function all in the same region too.
Using nodeJs api inside lambda function.

Why does it very slow ?

answered 6 years ago

I am also experiencing very slow speeds with AuthenticateUser. 5-7 seconds on average but only on lambda. Locally it is very fast.

answered 6 years ago

Same here. 6-7 seconds on lambda. Both cognito user pool and lambda function are in the same region. Any news?

Edited by: Ahi on Aug 6, 2018 1:07 PM

answered 6 years ago

Same here. Take me 6s to login to system. All my source is in AWS Lamdba

answered 5 years ago

Hi everyone, Coming back to this question since I had the same issue and it took me a while to understand what's happening.

The thing is authentication with SRP. SRP (Secure Remote Password protocol) is a cryptographic protocol that allows the client to prove to the server that it knows the password without actually sending the password, however it is computationally intense. When running locally, your laptop will crunch the numbers and then send the results, which appears fast because your laptop has powerful CPU and GPU. The lambda however, not so much.

The javascript SDK that is intended to run on the client side, selects the appropriate way of authentication and it appears that if SRP is enabled it will use SRP.

In short, if you are using SRP, use it on the client, not on lambda. If you don't have a client, you don't have to use SRP.

answered a year ago

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