DynamoDB .Net SDK query timed out


I am using the AWS .Net SDK to access DynamoDB in my alexa lambda function. Frequently, (about an hour every day), I get a query timed out error. This is a query that runs every minute from CloudWatch Events and it fetches the value from a table that has only one row. Most of the time it works fine and returns in milliseconds. However, several times during the day it times out. I have tried increasing and decreasing the timeout period, but it does not help. How do I resolve such errors ? What is causing this ? Will it help if I have my DynamoDB within the same VPC endpoint as the lambda ?

asked a year ago256 views
1 Answer

Accessing DynamoDB from Lambda is not a problem as long as the IAM role is set up, so no VPC endpoints are required.
VPC endpoints are needed when Lambda is running inside a VPC.
Your Lambda is not running in a VPC, is it?

If Lambda is running in a VPC, it is necessary to check the configuration around the network as it may be incorrect.

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answered a year ago

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