Amazon SES - How to remove a domain from the global suppression list?


All my subscribers who have email addresses on the domain do not receive my letters. I add random email addresses from the MAIL.RU domain to a mailing list and they are added to the global suppression list.

How long to wait for it to be removed from the suppression list?

asked a year ago435 views
1 Answer


Thanks for sharing that screenshot.

I see that you have Account-level suppression setting turned ON which I think enabling the global suppression list which operates and is managed in the background by SES - you cannot interact with it directly. However, Amazon SES now offers a new way for you to manage your suppression lists by making available account-level suppression lists and configuration set-level suppression lists that offer you more customized control over how you handle email suppression for your own account.

I would recommend you create a custom configuration set and override the account level settings under Suppression list options. You can follow the instructions given here -,Enabling%20configuration%20set%2Dlevel%20suppression,-To%20enable%20configuration

Here under #5, use Option b or c.

answered a year ago

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