Error when Creating Amazon Omics Run - Max Run Time


When creating an Amazon Omics run through the console, there is an option to select the maximum run time in minutes. See the attached image.

Enter image description here

When attempting to put 600 (for 600 minutes, or 10 hours) there is an error, indicating that the maximum run time (hrs) must be between 1 and 168.

Does this field indicate the number of minutes allowed per run or the number or hours allowed per run?

asked a year ago306 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

In this field, you can enter the number of hours per run. For instance, 168 hours equals 10080 minutes, so if you wanted 600 minutes, you would enter 10 hours.

answered a year ago
  • Hi Adrian,

    Thanks for your reply. I did a test run with the value 10 and I received the following message in the Cloudwatch console:

    {"runStatus":"STARTING","logMessage":"SET_WORKFLOW_TIMEOUT","message":"Your workflow will be timed out after: 10 minutes."}

    So, it looks like the field is expecting minutes, but it has a data validation set up for hours, as you can see in the previous screenshot there is an error when attempting to use the value 600. Looks to be a bug?

  • Hey Dan, yes this is a bug i will take it to the service team thanks for posting this and I'll get back to you with any updates

  • Update: Ive notified the Omics team and they said it should be resolved by the end of the day. Thank you again for your question all the best.

  • Thank you!

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