DynamoDB local sharedDb option doesn't appear to still work


A recently published version of DynamoDB local (published within the last 3 months) appears to have broken the use case where -sharedDb is omitted. In this mode, we should expect DynamoDB creates a database for each AWS key ID and region. This previously worked using the latest version as of August 29th 2022, but no longer works (everything routes to the same DB, and it may result in errors such as ResourceInUseException: Cannot create preexisting table).

How can I report this issue to AWS while on the Basic support plan?

asked 2 years ago267 views
1 Answer

Hi, Thanks for creating this issue. Can you please provide me with the DynamoDB Local package versions you are referring to. Also how are you using Local, with Docker or another method?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Hi Leeroy, and thanks for your response.

    I'm using local (.jar).

    It works on 1.17.2, but doesn't work on 1.20.0. Based on how it behaves, I suspect this is related to whatever code outputs the key for the table to query (i.e. the creation of myaccesskeyid_region.db).

    I found these versions by reverse engineering parts of .jar files which I had downloaded previously as the latest version. Do you know where the list of all the versions available to download is, and I can try bisecting them to identify the breaking version.

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