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Parsing Redshift's audit logs with multiline SQL statements and ingesting them into Splunk can be challenging due to the multiline nature of SQL statements. However, you can use a combination of pre-processing and Splunk configurations to ensure that multiline SQL queries are ingested properly. Here's a suggested approach:
Log Structure Understanding: First, understand the structure of your audit logs. Typically, a Redshift log entry will have a timestamp, log level, process ID, user, database, and other metadata, followed by the actual SQL statement.
Before ingesting them into Splunk, you can write a script (Python, for example) that goes through the logs and combines multiline SQL statements into a single line.
This script can replace newline characters within SQL statements with a space or some other delimiter of your choice, ensuring that each SQL statement becomes a single line.
Splunk Configuration: Use Splunk's props.conf and transforms.conf to set up custom source type configurations for Redshift logs.
In the props.conf, specify the new source type, let's call it redshift_processed:
LINE_BREAKER=([\r\n]+)\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z # Assuming the timestamp format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ, modify as per your timestamp format.
The SHOULD_LINEMERGE setting is used to indicate that Splunk should consider multiple lines as a single event until it encounters the LINE_BREAKER pattern, which indicates a new event.
TRUNCATE=0 ensures that very long events (like big SQL statements) aren't truncated.
Splunk Data Input:
When setting up the data input in Splunk for the pre-processed logs, make sure to specify the custom source type (redshift_processed) so that Splunk knows how to handle the multiline events.
Regards, Andrii
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