Omit/remove the open tracking pixel from emails send by PinPoint.


According to aws documentation you can omit the open tracking pixel by doing the following. I have done both approaches. There are two ways to omit the open tracking pixel from your emails. The first method is to send the email without specifying a configuration set. Alternatively, you can specify a configuration set that is not configured to publish data about open events.

But this doesn't seem to do the trick. I checked e-mail headers and the open pixel is always there.

asked 2 years ago168 views
1 Answer

There are a few ways to omit the open tracking pixel from SES emails:

Send the email without specifying a configuration set. When no configuration set is specified, SES will not include open/click tracking pixels by default.

Specify a configuration set that has open/click tracking disabled. You can disable this on a per-configuration set basis in the SES console.

Delete any existing domain-level open/click tracking associations for a configuration set using the delete-configuration-set-tracking-options AWS CLI command. This will cause SES to use its default tracking domains rather than any custom domains configured.

Ensure your configuration set and email content don't include any open/click tracking links (often added to image links or anchors). SES will only include tracking pixels for links it finds in the email.

Even when tracking is disabled at the configuration set level, SES may still add pixels for any tracking links it finds embedded in the email content. Be sure to verify your emails don't include any such links.

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answered 6 months ago

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