Hi, I want to know what are all the cases where a EBS Snapshot state will be in Error


While monitoring our EBS snapshots Org wide, we see many EBS snapshots in Error state. so trying to understand what are all the possible cases for a snapshot to be in Error state.

asked 10 months ago362 views
1 Answer

Can you find if your error is related to any of the below:

  • Hardware failure - If the underlying hardware that is used to store the snapshot data fails, the snapshot will go into an error state.
  • Snapshot corruption - Data corruption during the snapshot creation process could potentially put the snapshot into an error state.
  • Unauthorized access - If someone without proper permissions tries to modify or delete the snapshot, it may end up in an error state.
  • Snapshot limitations exceeded - Things like exceeding the maximum number of concurrent snapshots, or deleting a snapshot while it's in progress can lead to snapshot errors in some cases
profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • Thank you for the quick response. This helps. in my case using terraform, i have created DLM policy in account A and shared snapshots to account B. Created event based policy in account B. the new copied snapshot from shared snapshot in account B is in Error state. can permissions be the issue here?.. as the copy is happening but not completed. Also is there any way to make this Error snapshot usable or deleting them is the only way?

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