For Step Function Map state in Distributed mode does the minimum concurrent executions have to be 40?


I am reading the documentation here and it says "You need a concurrency of more than 40 parallel iterations."

What if in my workflow there are some instances where I need more than 40 but not 100% of the time?

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asked a year ago819 views
1 Answer


40 is the limit of concurrent interactions supported by the map state in inline mode, hence the mention.

Thus, AWS recommends the Inline mode if your workflow's execution history won't exceed 25,000 entries, or if you don't require more than 40 concurrent iterations, and the Distributed mode when it is required to exceed those limits or the size of your dataset exceeds 256 KB.

You can take a look at the difference between them in the following link, but remember that Distributed mode is not supported for Express Step Functions.

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answered a year ago

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