Cannot type password for codecommit from an EC2 instance


Hello, I'm trying to push a repository from an EC2 instance to codecommit. Everything seems to go well until the actual pushing (git push XXXXX:// --all) when it asks for the username (that is fine) but it kind of freezes when trying to copy or type the password. I can regain control with CTRL+c and keep working. Not a clue what might be wrong and all I can say is that the OS is Ubuntu22.04. Thanks.

asked a year ago318 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Are you sure the password isnt being hashed and not actually locking up. Unlikely you will have echo to the screen when typing a password.. Have you tried typing the password and pressing enter when done or enter after you pasted it?

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Sorry about the delay as there were several issues going on but I was finally able to make it work. It doesn't echo anything or even hashtags so it was a bit confusing (at least to me). Thanks.

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