Unable to release static IP address


Hi I have been trying to remove a static IP address from my lightsail account, this IP is not attached to an instance. There was previously a rdns record but this was deleted days ago. I still can't remove it and get the error below: ReleaseStaticIp[eu-west-2]

The specified Static IP address cannot be released from your account. A reverse DNS record may be associated with the Static IP address. To unlock the address, contact AWS Support.


I have contacted support who keep saying that the rdns record is removed, i'm being charged for an unattached static ip which i cannot remove.

How do i resolve this? the only option i seem to have is to terminate my aws account.

asked 2 years ago501 views
1 Answer


Sorry to hear about this experience. Could you please try contacting AWS Support once again quoting this forum post and mentioning that the Lightsail team has asked you to contact us via this post ?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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