How can we unblock Port 25 outbound in EC2?


I have started using EC2 recently and am trying the services provided. Unfortunately, I found that port 25 outbound blocked. In my use case, I am not sending any emails however I check new users' email and verify it's existence. In order to verify the email address we need port 25 unblocked. We don't send emails actually but just check the mx records connection to confirm whether mx record is valid or not. And for this, only one port 25 outbound is necessary with no alternative.

asked a year ago309 views
1 Answer

Port 25 is blocked by default to try and prevent spamming.

You can request for the port to be opened, the steps are here

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Requested but they do not allow it, neither they clarify the reason. And they keep in the dark.

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