Receiving images or other types of attachments (MMS) amazon pinpoint SMS


two way sms works great, however: when the client uploads a photo and sends it via text , i assume this type of message is considered to be of type: MMS. This MMS message never triggers my HTTP endpoint, I never get any information about this message. I want to save the attachment (example, an image) to my web database, however the MMS message never triggers my endpoint and no information triggers the endpoint, as if nothing was even sent. What's the point of having a SMS number without being able to receive attachments? Is there a way to configure this???

asked 2 years ago1297 views
2 Answers

Currently Amazon Pinpoint and SNS does not support MMS messages.

answered 2 years ago

At for the future, MMS service is no longer supported from several mobilephone providers, e.g. Vodafone and T-Systems in Germany. I think, the same all over the world. MMS is dead.

answered 2 years ago

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