Unable to access EB Environment configuration


When I load the EB Environments page in the AWS Management Console, I see this error message:

A problem occurred while loading your page:

There is no more than that. Trying to load an environment fails. I only get to the Applications page. I was able to reach the EB Environment configuration page only a few days ago. What could be wrong? The error message is not very informative.

1. List all environments

2. Click one environment

3. Result - can't get to config

2 Answers


I hope you're doing well.

Thank you for reaching out to us with your concern.

The error usually happens because of console issues or the user/role , who is trying to access the configuration may lack with permission. It may also due to session timed out. As we have only limited information, we can't find the actual cause of the issue. sry for the inconvience caused. To troubleshoot further, could you please share the screenshot of the error ?

Having said that, I would request you raise a support case ticket, where we can go deep dive into the issue to find out the actual root cause.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the reply. I have updated the original question with screenshots and additional information.


The solution was to delete cookies and session storage in the browser.

answered 2 years ago

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