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Is there a way to create backups of Cognito user pools?


Problem description

My concern is, that due to a possible accident caused by an error in our software (e.g. unintended deletion of users), an attack from the outside or even a some issue with AWS itself, users in our Cognito user pool are lost. What are possible ways to create a backup of a Cognito user pool s.t. I would be able to recover the users or reset the user pool to a previous state.

I assume that AWS already has mechanisms in place to secure that no user data is lost but this will not cover faults in our software (accidental deletes etc.).

What I found out so far

To my knowledge, Cognito does not support recovery mechanisms by itself.

The only other option I found was the reference solution postet here. Besides the loss of the passwords, in this solution the recovered users would also have a different username in my scenario (since we only offer registration by email and the username will be generated by Cognito). This would make it more complicated for us to recover since we use the username as a foreign key in other DynamoDB tables with user-related content. Overall this solution is a possibility but adds a lot of complexity to our architecture.

Is there any other, more convenient way to backup Cognito user pools?

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