Need Each user on AWS Transfer Family's SFTP service has a quota limit of 1 GB for data transfers.


I've configured AWS Transfer Family SFTP to restrict each user to 1 GB of storage. Once a user reaches this limit, they should no longer be able to upload files. I attempted to implement this using Lambda with S3 events and DynamoDB, but encountered issues with its functionality.

1 Answer

What kind of issues you are experiencing ?

Make sure your Lambda has got permissions to the S3 and to DynamoDB.

Remember this has to be a Synchronous operation otherwise it will fail.

If too much changes are performed you can decouple the feature to an SQS Queue and process it with a small delay.

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answered 2 months ago
  • I have implemented user-level restrictions for SFTP, limiting each user to 1 GB of storage. My Lambda function monitors S3 events triggered by SFTP uploads and updates DynamoDB to track each user's storage usage. However, if a user uploads a 2 GB file in one go, the SFTP system won't restrict the upload immediately. The event is generated only after the file is stored in S3, which then updates DynamoDB. I need a solution that directly restricts users from uploading files larger than 1 GB to SFTP.

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